Friday, December 20, 2019

Essay on Intrinsic motivation - 2302 Words

Intrinsic motivation Young children are compelled to learn because of their natural curiosity in life. Older children seem to need a push in the direction to learn. This describes the two types of motivation. Intrinsic motivation describes the young child. It is motivation from within and the desire someone feels to complete a task, including natural curiosity. Intrinsic motivation is anything we do to motivate ourselves without rewards from an outside source. â€Å"In relation to learning, one is compelled to learn by a motive to understand, originating from their own curiosity† (Rehmke-Ribary, 2003 p.intrinsic). There are different things a teacher can do to trigger this type of motivation in students. â€Å"Some examples of†¦show more content†¦Grades are probably the most positive example of extrinsic motivation. Many students are driven by grades for higher education and future jobs. When rewards such as candy and toys are used to gain student motivation it can be considered bribery. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs At the basis of motivation there are many factors that may not been seen right away. One must take a look at physiological reasons for motivation. How do we get students to their fullest potential? Abraham Maslow introduced the concept of self-actualization. This is the idea that we use our abilities to our fullest potential. If we can convince our students that they are capable of fulfilling their goals then they are on their way to self-efficacy. (Elliot, 2000 p.335). Self-actualization is the highest goal to reach in motivation. It is placed at the top of Maslow’s pyramid called the hierarchy of needs. This pyramid includes five needs that must be met before self-actualization can develop. The idea of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is that if basic needs are not met, motivation cannot occur. The first need is physiological needs. These are things such as hunger and sleep. If these needs are not met, a student’s motivation is dominantly focused on these things. The next need up on the pyramid is safety needs. These needsShow MoreRelatedThe Motivation And Intrinsic Motivation1065 Words   |  5 PagesAll children are unique and learn in different ways, however, when it comes to their motivation they will most likely fall into one of two categories. Extrinsic motivation revolves around grades and points and competition, and intrinsic motivation stems more from personal interests, sense of belonging, and passion to grow. (Carol Dweck). Roman, an 11-year-old high functioning autistic child, had no desire to participate in any class learning when I began working with him. He only excitedly and willinglyRead MoreMotivation, Motivation And Intrinsic Motivation951 Words   |  4 Pagesresearching on how motivation works in our brain, we cannot make a conclusion about the truth of the motivation in the past century. Luckily, Daniel Pink announces his latest results, â€Å"The Puzzle of Motivation†, on TED in 2009, which gives us a brand new idea about our motivation and how we could improve us by learning his method. In this essay, I will illustrates the main point of Daniel Pink, the evidence given in his speech, also the benefits I get from his idea which increase my self-motivation and helpsRead MoreMotivation, Motivation And Intrinsic Motivation1629 Words   |  7 PagesIntroduction There are certain theories that works in the business organization at both practical and theoretical levels and one of such theories is motivation. The term motivation has been defined, discussed and has been dealt with a number of times as in accordance with the changing dynamics of the business organizations. Richard M. Ryan and Edward L. Deci defines a person to be motivated if, a person is moved to do something. (2000). Thereby it simply means that the one who is not energized orRead MoreMotivation, Intrinsic And Extrinsic Motivation756 Words   |  4 PagesMotivation is a very important factor no matter what sport you coach or what the team or athlete goals are. A true coach must be able to understand their athlete and be able to tap into their motivation, maximizing their performance. Chapter four was written about two particular types of motivation, intrinsic and extrinsic. No matter what theory you believe, all theories boil down to these two types of motivation. Knowing the difference between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, can help you honeRead MoreExtrinsic Motivation And Intrinsic Motivation917 Words   |  4 Pagesthem the help that they need. Our agency has the ability to affect the lives of other people in a positive way, which leads to intrinsic motivation. Intrinsic motivation occurs when the employees have positive internal feelings that are generated by doing well, rather than being dependent on external factors like incentive pay or compliments from the boss, leading to motivation to work effectively. Designing a Motivating Workplace – The Job Characteristics Model As stated previously, the five employeesRead MoreIntrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation1083 Words   |  5 PagesMotivation Ken 1 Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation Literature Review AK 11 April 2013 Professor J. Losche PSY-432 Ken 2 Both intrinsic and extrinsic motivation help to fit psychological values and beliefs of an individual. Intrinsic motivation comes from the inside of an individual, such as the drive to do something. Extrinsic motivation comes from the outside factors, such as doing something for a reward. There are mixed emotionsRead MoreMotivation - Extrinsic and Intrinsic1014 Words   |  5 Pagesï » ¿ ESSAY #2 Motivation: Extrinsic to Intrinsic Motivation is a key factor in determining business success or failure. Successful organizations relentlessly seek to operate with a clear understanding of employee needs , and develop specific focus’ on how to meet them. Two key theories in organizational motivation are expectancy theory and equity theory. Both theories focus on the outcomes of a given decision or system rather than on individual employee needs. The goal of both processRead More Intrinsic Motivation is Ideal1880 Words   |  8 Pagesunderstand why this attitude toward learning develops, the concept of motivation in education must be defined and examined in a theoretical sense. Motivation is an essential condition of learning (Ray, 1992, p.3). A motivating condition may be defined as an emotion, desire, physiological need, or similar impulse that acts as an incitement to action. Ray (1992) comments that motivation in education is concerned with students’ motivation to learn (p.3). With the understanding of these defined conceptsRead More Intrinsic Motivation Essay2788 Words   |  12 PagesIntrinsic Motivation Sometimes a student can be fascinated in a subject and are eager to learn more without outside influence or help. This kind of a situation is when there exists a large amount of intrinsic incentive to motivate a child. It is when a student enjoys an aspect of an activity enough to be motivated within. An intrinsic incentive could arise in any subject of interest such as dinosaurs, famous people, or far off places. However, topics that are learned in schools today do notRead MoreMotivation : Extrinsic And Intrinsic Factors1476 Words   |  6 PagesMotivation: An Evaluation of Extrinsic and Intrinsic Factors Motivation has been widely studied and particularly explored in organisational behaviour. Extrinsic and intrinsic motivations are two areas of current discourse that have been critically examined for motivating workforce. This paper aims to: define extrinsic and intrinsic motivations; outline the competing views regarding the relationship between the concepts; and, apply the research findings to a workplace observation within the Royal

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Office Paper Recycling Essay Example For Students

Office Paper Recycling Essay Environmental science is concerned with the global impact of human activity on the planet. Indeed, at the dawn of this new century, close to 25 percent of the earths usable water is contaminated. In addition, during the last hundred years, we have increased the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, by burning fossil fuels, such as coal and petroleum and in so doing we have increased the amount of gases in the atmosphere. The result is that more heat is trapped in the system, increasing the global temperature by 1 C (about 1.8 F). Because the earth is a closed system, these issues are of major concern to environmentalists. As the Gaia Hypothesis states it, we are sustained by a single living system, meaning that we rely on it for our survival, in which all the parts are interconnected and everything we do affects it globally. For instance, as more heat is trapped in the atmosphere, the temperature increases, affecting precipitation, the rain becomes acid, which in turn affect our food production and our fresh water supply, ultimately it affects all the living system on the planet. Basically, in such a system there is no away in throwing away, hence, over the last decade people and companies started being aware of it and therefore acknowledged the need to recycle. Recycling refers to collecting and reprocessing resources into new products. The resources on earth are not all renewable, and recycling means that we could create systems where wastes become resources again, which is called closed-loop recycling. Recycling paper involves removing its ink, glue, and coating and reconverting it to pulp that is pressed again into new paper. This process brakes down some of the paper fibers, requiring addition of some new pulp to maintain paper strength. III.Recycling at American University Ten years ago the District of Columbia mandated recycling programs for schools and colleges, at this time tough, only ten percent of American Universitys waste was recycled. However, the American University started a more efficient recycling project in May 1999, as the contracted a new company, the Consolidated Waste Industry (CWI), to recycle its waste. Besides, A. U. buys its office paper to Boise Cascade Corporation, which is environmentally conscious and sustains the forests. Paper is essentially made of wood, which is crushed into small pieces, and mixed with water and chemicals The Physical Plant at A.U. collects the trash, which is then picked up by CWI and brought to a warehouse where it is dumped on the floor on a conveyor belt and separated. Most of the office papers are already disposed in special bins at A. U. and usually they do not need to be separated from the rest of the trash. Then, this company sells it to another company, First Fiber, in Pennsylvania, which actually recycles it. According to Jan Lambert, the paper goes into a mill where the ink is removed and the contaminants are taken off. Then, the rest of the recycling process involves washing the paper with water in a blender, requiring 5,000 gallons per two tons of paper. The paper is converted into pulp and laid on a web, where it is pressed and dried, to be cut into sheets again. Unfortunately we were not told if the company uses chemicals in the process, although Lambert said the water was recycled. . Nevertheless, every ton of paper that is recycled saves about 1.4 cube meter (about 50 cube feet) of landfill space. One ton of recycled paper saves 17 pulpwood trees (trees used to produce paper). According to Mark Fiest at A. .u3047ae054ba29e9c80c5dd9c234dee89 , .u3047ae054ba29e9c80c5dd9c234dee89 .postImageUrl , .u3047ae054ba29e9c80c5dd9c234dee89 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u3047ae054ba29e9c80c5dd9c234dee89 , .u3047ae054ba29e9c80c5dd9c234dee89:hover , .u3047ae054ba29e9c80c5dd9c234dee89:visited , .u3047ae054ba29e9c80c5dd9c234dee89:active { border:0!important; } .u3047ae054ba29e9c80c5dd9c234dee89 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u3047ae054ba29e9c80c5dd9c234dee89 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u3047ae054ba29e9c80c5dd9c234dee89:active , .u3047ae054ba29e9c80c5dd9c234dee89:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u3047ae054ba29e9c80c5dd9c234dee89 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u3047ae054ba29e9c80c5dd9c234dee89 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u3047ae054ba29e9c80c5dd9c234dee89 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u3047ae054ba29e9c80c5dd9c234dee89 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u3047ae054ba29e9c80c5dd9c234dee89:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u3047ae054ba29e9c80c5dd9c234dee89 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u3047ae054ba29e9c80c5dd9c234dee89 .u3047ae054ba29e9c80c5dd9c234dee89-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u3047ae054ba29e9c80c5dd9c234dee89:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Case Study Snap On Tools Intranet (527 words) EssayU., the college now recycles 50 percent of its waste due to this program, which is successful. Based on the information we received, and as far as A.U. is concerned, it seems to be a closed-loop-recycling program, which is a success. Considering that in a couple years the amount of waste recycled increased from ten to 50 percent, however further researches show that chemicals are used to process the paper, which is then transported in trucks, which release CO2 in the atmosphere. In addition, Lambert did not explained us how the water is recycled, chances are that it must be a chemical process that uses a lot of .

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Increasing Capacity of Primary Care †Free Samples to Students

Question: Discuss about the Increasing Capacity of Primary Care. Answer: Introduction This report is designed to present an advanced, integrated analysis and evaluation of eBusiness strategies in American Well. American Well is paving the way for direct contact between patients and physicians by means of digital platforms accessed through computers, tablets, and smart phones. Their service is voluntarily available anytime and the internet connection can be established anywhere. In this context, the report provides a concise summary of the current positioning of the company in the healthcare industry. Also, the benefits of the proposed changes are clearly justified in terms of the appropriateness, and the tangible and intangible benefits, for the organization and its customers. American Well has succeeded well in overcoming the tough challenges in the medical industry. The physicians, policy makers, and other professionals working in this company provide effective servicers to the customers. The major goal of the organization is focused on improving the quality of health care, maintaining and enhancing the equity, and increases the overall efficiency (Markens, 2017). The company is planning to diversify its capabilities in the corporate development world. The professionals in the organization are talented enough to grab complicated ideas and use different analytical and innovative problem-solving skills to a wide range of strategic projects for the organization. The staff members work in coordination in order to build and present compelling and perceptive analysis. The company has gained a good position in the US market and has made healthy relations with the strategic clients, customers, partners, investors, and employees. In order to facilitate constant access to the healthcare network, American Well makes use of video, mobile, and web techniques. The average waiting time taken by it is below five minutes which is appropriate to schedule and visit to the doctors clinic (Siddiqui et al., 2017). Frost Sullivan admired the company for accelerating the move towards an Open Healthcare Ecosystem with the Exchange. Before Exchange, the company turned out AW9, its enterprise software platform displayed improved scheduling tools, directions to treat the whole population, and the capability to encourage more and more doctors to travel. It has the telemed tablet functionality known as the pan-tilt-zoom camera, and an application that allows patients and doctors to take photographs and transfer them to the consulting partners. Moreover, the company has made a strategic decision to underline video as a basic technology for its various services. It carries out around ninety-five percent of its implicit visits in this format. It results in the improvement of analytical and personalization capabilities of a medical evaluation (Wechsler et al., 2017). American Well also covers real-time patient information that can be easily integrated with the electronic medical record. For instance, the company provides a feature named, Ask Me which enables doctors to be potentially accessible without taking any appointment at any time. Also, the company is well-known for the quality of service provided by its platform and engaging physicians. The company offers high quality components which are linked with the competence of the institutions taking part in the Exchange program. The reputation of the company among the modern telehealth c consumers has improved due to its better price/performance value which is influenced by th e business models approached by the institutions (Fogel, and Sarin, 2017). American Well has been positioned as an emerging healthcare access option to those patients who do not want to be limited to a particular supplier group. It facilitates the ways to reach the specialists who were earlier inaccessible or unknown to the healthcare customers. The company has emerged as a revolutionary association with a remarkable potential to provide improved medical treatment and alternatives that are more costly or unaffordable than those presently exist. American Well has gained a position in the market wherein a number of developed and competitive entities exist, such as McKesson, Cisco, and Inuit. However, the telehealth services and products offered by these organizations, their target market, and their marketing techniques are different from that of American Well. The online facility provided by the company enables individuals to have great access along with an internet connection, who want to have digital sessions with the doctors for usual health concerns (Joiner, and Lusch, 2016). This service is different from that of competitors, which require people to first become patients of the suppliers. These services are more time-taking and inconvenient for the customers when they are in the need of urgent service procurement. Also, the patients have to schedule an initial appointment personally with the doctors or call during office hours to get registered within the telehealth system, if the patients are not pre-registered within a ny of the systems of the service providers. On the other hand, it is not required in the case of American Well, as the individuals can easily reach to the provided platform through a computer or any personal gadget with the help of browsing and feeding videos (Maslach, and Leiter, 2017). It enables them to communicate quickly with the concerned physician or doctor. Moreover, the individuals can be either instantly connected to the supplier or select from a wide range of offering services of provider using the platform offered by American Well, which is completely supported by reviews, native language, and gender. Roadmap of American Well The mission and vision of American Well is to create a future healthcare system in which telehealth has a main role in connecting the patients with reliable professionals. It also aims to ensure more accessible and better quality care to its patients. American Wells objective is to deliver an excellent customer healthcare experience by minimizing wait times and making the facility more convenient and affordable. American Well creates value by encouraging consumer participation through providing them control of their health records. The management also attempts to lower the administrative burden and duplicity by integrating with third party systems. American Well targets a huge number of people from diverse locations, such as insurance companies, and large employers. Also, among patients, it includes young mothers from age 30 to 40 years, 25-to-35-year-old health-oriented men, and above 65-years old with chronic care conditions. American Well is committed with applying legally secured harbors for suppliers in health information technology. Also, the company is concerned with promoting and protecting consumers rights such as right to information, freedom, and consent. American well has recently announced its collaboration with Samsung and Microsoft companies. In future also, it is likely to enter in joint venture with other big corporations in order to achieve large market share. In healthcare industry, changes in demands are brought by many factors such as globalization, migration trends, travel and changing socio-cultural landscape. Therefore, American Well should apply service delivery model to deal with the constant changes. American Well applies a mix model. While some employers charge per member, per month fee, others charge as per the level of customization and the price charged to employees. American Well effectively and enthusiastically promotes the strategies of its clients, all of whom launch telehealth with the universal goal of intensifying care and access to patients. New Strategies American Well has entered into a strategic partnership with Samsung Electronics at the 17th HMSS Annual Conference. The objective was to take the advantage of various opportunities for both the organizations in order to create new and innovative healthcare services for delivery groups, suppliers, financiers, and employers (Brophy, 2017). The company applies telehealth to make available quality care for the patients. For this purpose, the company provides around two hundred health systems and health plan partners throughout USA, such as Anthem, Inc., Cleveland Clinic and NewYork-Presbyterian. Samsung has already become a reputed brand in the market of consumer electronics. This company has crossed the heights of todays modern technology. It has also leveraged its healthcare specialization for helping the medical professionals in improving the quality of care and results for the patients. The new collaboration is likely to result in innovative experiences that can enhance health and business results. The main benefit from the proposal is that partnership will bring a new level of access to consumers, and effortless application to the healthcare sector (Kaissi, and Shay, 2016). It is serving as an important strategy of American Well in the delivering an integrated care to all. For this initiative, healthcare industry leaders who are in support of initial development stage of this collaboration are also providing their assistance in accomplishing the goals. The president of New York-Presbyterian has also observed a positive review from its patients as well as physicians on the implementation of digital health initiatives. He also expressed his pride in working with American Well and Samsung, and saw it has the future of USA healthcare (Young, and Nesbitt, 2017). This is because the patients feel pleased and satisfied with these expertise clinical services not only in Ne w York, but also across the globe. Furthermore, the advanced technology brought by American Well is also used in Cleveland Clinic which found expertise services beneficial for their patients and are provided to a wide number of patients (Morgan et al., 2017). In this context, the president of Cleveland Clinic stated that this new technology in medical field will be helpful in supplying highest level of care along with accurate data, and enhanced availability and access. In the telehealth industry of USA, American Well is making innovative and effective strategies to compete at high level. For this purpose, the services of American Well are offered at comparatively low prices, which make them cost leaders in the market. The cost leadership strategy applied by the company makes it a bit hard to earn high profits because in this strategy, products are sold at low costs which reduce the overall revenues of the organization (Kerner Jr et al., 2016). It implies that the company has to cut its operational expenses and shift the savings to their customers. The services of American Well are very convenient, and affordable than its rivalries, which is beneficial to gain competitive edge in the industry. This is because the competitors products and services are not focused on affordability and comfort ability of the customers. Another benefit of using this strategy is that American Well is directly connected and can interact with its customers, financiers, as well as suppliers. In contrast to this, the rivalries are only connected with the payers and suppliers (Rocco et al., 2017). Thus, American Well utilizes direct to consumer marketing strategy so as to reduce the consultation cost and provider expenses. Also, the company is facilitated to have a broad customer base from different parts of the world and attract them to use companys products and services and grab a significant market share. In manufacturing, the strategy is used by the company to make use of the best technology. In this regard, the company entered in a partnership with Microsoft for the software manufacturing for minimizing the labor expenses. However, the need of security also arises due to the increased rate of upgraded technology (Fleishon et al., 2017). But, the partnership strategy with two big corporations such as Samsung, and Microsoft, has resulted in having a wider access to the efficient technology at reduced prices than designing their own. The new strategy of online care suit of American Well also provides support medical devices such as stethoscopes, ophthalmoscopes, and derma-cams. The most innovative strategy developed by American Well is Online Care. It has enabled the ways of delivery of health care. For handling the data associated with healthcare information, telecommunication and computer-based techniques assist both patients and doctors. This services is different from others as it increases the abilities of the company to achieve competitive edge over its rivalries in the industry. Recommendations Since the Online Cares proprietary platform has became the intellectual property of American Well, it gained a significant competitive advantage in the USA market (Hockenberry, and Becker, 2016). However, this advantage is not likely to stay in future due to the rapid development in the field of Information and Technology. Therefore, it is very crucial for the company to keep innovating for retaining the advantages (Lustgarten, and Colbow, 2017). Otherwise, the competitors might get an opportunity to beat American Well in the technology stake. The best course of action for the company is consists of three steps. The first step is to introduce a team addition to enlarge the current product of American Well (McDonnell et al., 2016). The new products will supply cycle time for the customers for repeated visits to the customers, and follow-ups would be decreased from months to minutes. The aim of Team Edition is to join primary care physicians, who can easily control those medical devices, and specialist, who will be accountable for reading, interpreting, and elaborating technical reports for a particular patient. This project can be a get through in the conventional referral expert consultation since the patient can have access to a specialist consultation at the time of a primary care visit. Also, the possibility of connecting other medical devices such as glucose meters to the Online Care Suit 6.0 improve the participation of the American Well company in the treatment process of chronic patients. This opens its field of operation from not only online care consultations, but also a broader spectrum of monitoring chronic conditions. Moreover, the company can provide immediate facilities at lower cost to the patients located in backward regions, who are in need of expert advice and treatment. It would enable them not to visit long and wait for the treatment (Dzau et al., 2017). Thus, the people will be more attracted towards this facility, while the existing consumers would see it as an additional feature which would minimize their expenses and offer good quality services. Since the primary objective of American Well is to become a leader in Online Care, this team addition will be more useful. The product will be helpful in attaining differentiation benefits among the rivalries and enhancing its market share as well. Also, the building of team addition will be less costly to the company because it has an effective Research and Development staff along with the required technology (Scanlon et al., 2016). American Well is suggested to approach and appeal the recognized customer base for online care as they will be i nterested in the team addition, which will lead to win-win position for the company in the long-run. The second step suggests that American Well should diversify its operations in other potential segments such as pharmacies, hospitals, and health clinics. A successful completion of first step would enable the company to redistribute its resources in various new markets while delivering the same quality (Kroenke, and Unutzer, 2017). Finally, the final step involves expansion of American Well at the global level. For this, a fully re-structure of the organization will be required apart from collaborating with other companies operating in diverse fields situated in various countries. However, this will become easier only if the company is able to make itself a good market leader in the domestic market first. Moreover, American Well should enter into a joint venture with Blue Cross, which is an alliance of 36 diverse health insurance organizations and companies of USA and provides health insurance to more than 106 million Americans (Nakra, and Nakra, 2016). While, American Well already has created good relations with Blue Cross through Hawaii partnership, it will be beneficial for the company to attract a large number of customers by offering them an easier access for patients and savings on behalf of Blue Cross via more efficient service offerings. The company will have to dedicate its more time to train its staff to build up experience and attain the significant use requirements. Conclusion From the above discussion, it can be concluded that American Well is effectively fulfilling the customers needs and wishes, while saving money for the suppliers. The company has become able to create and maintain long-term relationships with the clients as well. In order to grow, the company should operate in consistent with the rapidly changing government policies and laws in the field of healthcare. Also, huge investment in technological developments is required by the company for fulfilling regulatory standards. Unnecessary investments in new avenues can threaten companys organic growth. In spite of any strategy adopted by American Well, it can be said that its current practices fulfill the visions, missions, and goals of the market. References Brophy, P.D., (2017) Overview on the Challenges and Benefits of Using Telehealth Tools in a Pediatric Population.Advances in Chronic Kidney Disease,24(1), pp.17-21. Dzau, V.J., McClellan, M.B., McGinnis, J.M., Burke, S.P., Coye, M.J., Diaz, A., Daschle, T.A., Frist, W.H., Gaines, M., Hamburg, M.A. and Henney, J.E., (2017) Vital Directions for Health and Health Care: Priorities From a National Academy of Medicine Initiative.Jama,317(14), pp.1461-1470. Fleishon, H.B., Itri, J.N., Boland, G.W. and Duszak, R., (2017) Academic Medical Centers and Community Hospitals Integration: Trends and Strategies.Journal of the American College of Radiology,14(1), pp.45-51. 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